Hot Stone Massage







Hot stones therapy

Hot stone massage therapy melts away tension, eases muscle stiffness and increases circulation and metabolism. The direct heat of the stones relaxes muscles, allowing the therapist access to their deeper muscle layers. You will feel uplifted and grounded.


How does it work?

The Basalt stones, which are grey in colour are the most recommended type of volcanic stone to use in Hot Stones Therapy because they are of the non-porous and smooth texture, therefore they have the ability to retain their heat for up to 45 minutes. Their high ferruginous components will improve the blood flow and relax the muscles.


Benefits of a Hot Stone Massage


  • Increases cell metabolism, therefore increasing the rate at which the body processes nutrients and toxins
  • Deep relaxation of the muscles, helping to alleviate stress and tension
  • Increases circulation, facilitating maximum blood for optimum body functioning
  • Increase lymphatic flow increasing detoxification, cleansing and elimination
  • Increases flexibility in joints, aiding in easier mobility and movement
  • Whole body integration, stones all over the body at the same time
  • Faster and longer lasting results